Justice without Reparations is not Justice

Justice without Reparations is not Justice

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The reason for Western Australia's "dog’s breakfast" as the NAPHWA President described the HIV Industry on Facebook, is that the Government’s response to HIV was to fling up their little hands & refuse to deal with the Gays and so they created NGOs to do their dirty work. This system has been corrupted by the voluntary nature of the funding, with tick a box self reporting evaluations and little to no record of the real experiences or any need to create real MIPA based quality of outcomes for the people who are supposed to be funded. Rather than a system of standard access policies it is the luck of the draw and access has been known to be based on popularity contests. Having money makes you very popular in Perth, while it lasts!

NGO advertising is always about "we’re here to help (insert x target population). But the problem is that trickle down economics is a bullshit theory. There are always too many higher up greedy individuals sticking their noses in the trough sucking up all the gravy and who don't care that they leave cat turds, for the people in whose name the funding is received.

In about 1999 the Australian Democrats Political party organised a take over of all the LGB, HIV & Trans Community & Media Groups in WA in order to push their electoral agenda. This take over coup was so successful that left wing political parties like the Greens and the Labor Party have continued this practice. So this means that highly paid union workers and other party operatives are able to pose as grassroots voices in pubic while banning and bullying vulnerable individuals off camera. Thus members of the public should know there are no legitimate grassroots LGB, HIV & Trans representatives in the self appointed "peak" bodies of the politically biased system.

Health Workers all seemed quick to jump on the Covid Authoritarian Bandwagon like lemmings over a cliff. The useless idiots just following along is one thing but Many of them are knowingly going along with programs that undermine human rights and endanger the health and wellbeing of people. The term Health Consumer is presented as a lovely descriptor but isn’t it just another term rich people use for useless eater?

It was very disappointing that Vaccine Status was used to exclude the most vulnerable HIV people from HIV events leaving positive people, who would not agree to being coerced into a medical experiment, without informed consent, and thus people were banned from essential support services because a small group of petty and cruel people could not a maintain safe and welcoming environment without Stigmatisation aka bullying. Worse there was the AIDS Industry’s ridiculous advice to have sex without a condom, coz the prep investment must be realised, but wear a mask. How many people are giving blow jobs with a mask? This was like the Tik Tok nurse videos a clear mockery of the public and if it was an intelligence test then it is clear that the vast majority failed.

Compounding all of these problems is the fact that there is a lack of any oversight of these NGO programs. It’s common knowledge that if you complain about services or staff misconduct then you get banned from AIDS services. That’s right, it’s not the person being bullied that gets punished by the system. When a complaint is lodged a whole army of people descend like a swarm to protect the staff member and attack the victim. In the Gay type orgs there has also been a very slack morality attached to staff having sex with clients and this means that many HIV+ people are refusing to attend events where they feel that they are obliged to put up with inappropriate sexual environments.

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March Memes 2023