A Call for An Australian Bill of Rights

A Call for An Australian Bill of Rights

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The Order Of Perpetual Indulgence made A Call for An Australian Bill of Rights in 2011 in a Submission to Headspace Inquiry. The OPI in Perth have been calling for a rights based approaches to health and law since 1990.

The same rights protected for every person and equal protection under the law. A Patient Bill of Rights for Medical Settings needs to be legislated to demonstrate that it is safe to go back to the Doctor!

Abbey of the Black Swan on Rumble

Above: The Abbey of the Black Swan on #Rumble #OPIPerth

A Call for An Australian Bill of Rights

This is a reading of the Head Space Same Sex Marriage Submission from the OPI Abbey of the Black Swan, Perth, Western Australia 2011. Download the Submission at Fagmedia.org

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March Memes 2023