Sacred AIDS Cows & Other Double Standards

Sacred AIDS Cows & Other Double Standards

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Sacred AIDS Cows & Other Double Standards outlines the reasons why the Perth Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence do health promotion and includes a reading of the letter written by Mother Gretta Amyletta of the Holy Vapours to the Sunday Times in December 2011 about the WA AIDS Council's refusal to provide education to heterosexuals and the cuts to support for positive people.

Above: Watch at Fagmedia on Rumble

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Lily Stoke on Trent 2004

Above: I will always be grateful to Karl from Kokomo Hairdressing & Lee for their kindness, hospitality and high level civility when I stayed with Karl in Stoke on Trent. I have always remembered and valued highly the time spent on R&R in Stoke.  I met Karl when we were both in Sydney for the Mardi Gras Season in 2003 & we met again in Stoke when I was in the UK studying at Basil Paterson College in Edinburgh.


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